A g e n d a
A g e n d a

F l e a M a r k e t E v e n t 2 0 2 4
26 May 2024
At the end of May, we had the honor of hosting the famous flea market organized by the Morogues sports association. Many exhibitors did us the honor of exhibiting on the lawn of the park facing the castle the wonderful treasures from their attic.
P r o d u c e r s M a r k e t E v e n t 2 0 2 4
The arrival of sunny days was an opportunity to host a large local producers' market. Flavors and delights from here and elsewhere offered with radiant smiles under the shade of the trees on the path leading to the castle.

A r t E v e n t i n t h e P a s t
Love was celebrated throughout a season as part of a ceramic exhibition in the Château de Maupas park. The ceramic sculptors from the contemporary ceramic center La Borne were invited to participate in this celebration, exhibiting their creations dedicated to this occasion.